May 2003

I’m in Los Angeles shooting for the new Margaret Cho movie “Revolution”. Sometimes there are people who you really admire their work and you really fall in love with uhm, who they seem to be? And I have now become afraid of meeting those people in real life — because, there will always be disappointment that they are not like that at all - or not really like that all the time — and that they have a whole staff of people around to help them be the fabulous person I fell in love with. Well, I have to say that Margaret Cho is not one of those people that at all. She is talented and funny and just sweet sweet sweet and the people all around her are all incredibly funny, very down to earth and this was one of the nicest film making experiences I’ve ever had. So I can thank Lorene Machado (whose comment is in the “apologies” entry for those who like the whole story) for bringing me on to Revolution. It’s about 3:30 in the morning now though and so I must cut this short… but if any of you haven’t seen her last two movies - I’m the One That I Want or Notorious C.H.O - run to the video store and rent them. RUN!

Something that is almost as delicious as eating a siroopwafel — is the
academic treatise

on the siroopwafel.

(Thanks to Jen Small)