Shoot First Laws - Go Ahead and Kill Anyone

So this guy in Florida pulls out a handgun.

Thinks he can stop a two-ton SUV that a thief was driving, with his puny handgun.

Fires his gun blindly.

Kills the woman passenger in the car. Could have killed a bystander, could have killed any innocent person in the SUV. Could have killed the driver, could have caused the SUV to crash and kill someone else.

No matter - this man is home free, probably able to sleep soundly. Sheriff says law allows this person to kill. NRA made the usual "guns for everyone, guns everywhere" noises, supporting this man.

Florida should allow the use of M9 Anti-tank Rocket Launchers to protect against personal injuries, handguns are not good enough. What if the thief could have escaped? No way he could have escaped a bazooka! We want our Bazookas!

I wonder what the pro-life conservative gang up in the Supreme Court will say about this - they just passed a judgment of 10 years in prison for a gun going off accidentally admitting that "it is unusual to impose criminal punishment for the consequences of purely accidental conduct" - and no one was killed - yet they banged the gavel giving him 10 years in prison.

This bozo killed someone with his gun, and future such bozos in Florida and other states will no doubt make similar news in the future. Wonder what the Scalia-Roberts gang up in the Supreme Court would say about this...(well, the answer is easy - they will find some way of saying this time the gun going off was not the trigger-happy-gun-owner's fault).

Sad state of affairs - guns in areas of high-density of humans are just a bad idea, the Police are the only ones should be legally allowed to carry them. And where guns should be carried - like on ships crossing near Somalia - the corporations find it cheaper to pay ransom rather than say, hiring 2 guards with a good assortment of weapons to travel on the ship. Topsy-turvy world of the NRA in the USofA.