ACZoom Home E-mail ITRANS ITRANS Song Book


Note: This page hosts the older web-server based itrans interface.

Visit the newer Javascript based Online Interface to Itrans for an interactive, customizable text to Unicode converter.


Please note: this interface only supports Unicode output from ITRANS-coded input text.

Documentation   [ if needed, or just start filling in the form ]

Online Interface to ITRANS

Important: This interface does not translate English into Indian languages.
It only does a form of transliteration - Indian Language Text encoded using the English alphabet is converted to Indian Language Scripts using Unicode text.
Do not use this for anything critical unless you know the correct spelling of words in the Indian Language! This is not a translation tool.
1: Select text format. Text Format: [ Examples ]
2: Select Script and Text Size.
[ For "Prose" and "Verse" text formats only. ]
Script:    Text Size:

3a: Enter English Encoded Text here:         

3b: Use 3a to enter text, or select a file containing text (maximum of 500KB):
File name to upload:      Clear upload file name

Email any bug-reports or comments and suggestions to
Please note that no technical support is available for this web page or for the tools on this web page.

If this site does not work for you, visit which has much more information as well as links to other such tools.


ACZoom Home E-mail ITRANS ITRANS Song Book